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KRYZA NETWORK (KRN) Renounce Ownership


Transaction Hash0x4e7b5e09b7a938bb96fa2b8770f79fee90f8c7f4860729288e464794f01a5b1d
Block Confirmations27935
Timestamp23 hrs ago (Dec-19-2024 10:29:06 AM UTC)
Transaction ActionCall
Renounce Ownership
Function byKRYZA Network: Deployer 2
Contract Address0x8013d731…5eFd67ca7
From0x496bad033E3F02EcD0456CFC7a5C6D2bF1C09991 (KRYZA Network: Deployer 2)
Value0 BNB ($0.00)
Transaction Fee0.00006981 BNB ($0.05)
Gas Price3 Gwei (0.000000003 BNB)

KRYZA EXCHANGE  (KRX) Renounce Ownership


Transaction Hash0x3fc0ea24470d044147c7dd2b7cfea4b5232c2d1635209433d1efc0e7788c351c
Block Confirmations6597
Timestamp22 hrs ago (Dec-19-2024 11:43:59 AM UTC)
Transaction ActionCall
Renounce Ownership
Function byKRYZA EXCHANGE: Deployer
Contract AddressKRYZA EXCHANGE: KRX Token
From0x496bad033E3F02EcD0456CFC7a5C6D2bF1C09991 (KRYZA EXCHANGE: Deployer)
To0x93ad9b819C88D98B4c9641470A96E24769Ae7922 (KRYZA EXCHANGE: KRX Token)
Value0 ETH ($0.00)
Transaction Fee0.000311134068236613 ETH ($1.02)
Gas Price13.355113029 Gwei (0.000000013355113029 ETH)


Our cryptocurrency assets are not considered financial instruments, electronic money, or structured deposits, and the activities we engage in are not considered regulated activities. Possible legal changes or new regulations may affect the project. We have no intention of misleading or deceiving anyone, but unforeseen circumstances can influence outcomes.

The “roadmap” (development plan or strategic plan) is generally a plan that includes the planned steps, goals, and timeline of a company or project. However, it’s important to note that in reality, changes may occur, and the plan may be modified to adapt to changing circumstances. So, while the roadmap serves as a starting point, it’s not always considered a firmly fixed or permanent thing and can evolve over time.

Additionally, it should be emphasized that listing plans for stock exchanges are just plans, not promises, and they can change. The success of an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) can also influence these plans. In the case of ICOs, market conditions, regulatory changes, or other factors may affect the planned steps, highlighting the need to maintain flexibility in the roadmap to address unforeseen situations. 

The taxation of cryptocurrencies may vary by country; everyone should consult with their own tax advisor regarding tax-related questions.

For transparency and information related to the project, study and follow the blockchain scanners of KRYZA coins and tokens, the KRYZA social media channels, such as the KRYZA Hungarian group on Meta (Facebook), the official KRYZA Telegram group, and the official KRYZA TikTok channel. We do not assume responsibility for issues arising from not following these channels.

Cryptocurrency asset prices show significant fluctuations. We urge you to assess your investment capabilities rationally and make investment decisions cautiously. The project does not take responsibility for potential losses arising from your decisions and investments.

The information and analyses on the KRYZA platforms and social media channels reflect the opinions of the authors and are not promises, investment analyses, or advice. The suitability of a specific investment can only be determined through an examination tailored to the individual investor, which the project does not undertake and is not suitable for. Therefore, thoroughly research and, if necessary, consult with your personal investment advisor before each investment decision!