The native token of KRYZA Exchange, KRX, operates similarly to traditional cryptocurrencies within centralized exchanges. Built on the Ethereum blockchain as an ERC-20 standard token, KRX differs from KRYZA Network’s native token (KRN), as the decision to support both blockchains aims to foster connectivity between users of both ecosystems.
KRX holds primary utility on the KRYZA Exchange platform, serving as the preferred currency for listing fees. Additionally, transaction fees on the platform are paid in KRX, amplifying the token’s use case with each user transaction. By introducing KRX as a trading pair with freshly listed tokens, users can engage in more advanced trading beyond stable or major coins, contributing to the token’s utility and prominence on the platform.

Name: KRYZA Exchnage
Symbol: KRX
Website: www.kryza.exchange
Contract: 0x93ad9b819C88D98B4c9641470A96E24769Ae7922
Initial total supply: 7 897 314 000
Current total supply: 7 897 314 000
KRX is tradeable at KRYZA Exchange, Indoex, UniSwap
KRX addresses:
KRYZA EXCHANGE: Deployer: 0x496bad033E3F02EcD0456CFC7a5C6D2bF1C09991
KRYZA Exchange: Company Reserve: 0xb3ce45a7157Dfa434366625ec0A76448303e85F2
KRYZA Exchange: Team: 0xa2BfdEefc45F2d99Df9062fB185dA6e2d872106C
KRYZA Exchange: Liquidity Reserve: 0xBA2F4022cC704aA368F85D28a22dECF56539EcED